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Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is the inspiration at the heart of Tharpa Publications and the NKT Problems arise only if we respond to situations with a negative state of mind. Therefore, if we want to transform our life and be free from problems, we must learn to transform our mind.” 2008/09/25 Gyatso who was a 70-year old Geshe died in the most horrible of circumstances, seemingly because HH the Dalai Lama has many enemies. Thurman continues: "It would not be unfair to call Shugdens the Taliban of Tibetan Geshe Kelsang Gyatso – Why we need to become Vajrayogini Venerable Geshe-la explains that our mistaken appearance and self grasping is the cause of all our suffering and problems, in this life and in life after life. 2016/04/04 Gyazoはスクリーンショットを瞬時に共有するサービスです。あなたのコミュニケーションをより速く、快適にしてくれるでしょう。静止画をキャプチャーできます。起動してエリアを選択するだけで撮影とアップロードが完了します。 Pročitaj najnovije vijesti vezane uz pojam GESHE KELSANG GYATSO. Najzanimljiviji članci, slike i video vezani za temu GESHE KELSANG GYATSO. Ljutnja je bolno stanje uma, a suprotnost joj je strpljivo prihvaćanje Kako se
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